Geometry problem solver

The angle

They give the tracks some problems can be solved automatically, the numerical values do not matter in the various examples.

Track 1

A wide angle is 30°; draw it with its adjacent track and the bisectors of both corners. Calculate the angle formed by the two bisectors.


Track 2

In a triangle an internal angle measuring 30° and an angle exceeds it by 40°. Find the amplitude of each outside corner.


Track 3

In an isosceles triangle with a base angle is the fourth part of the outer adjacent. Calculate the amplitudes of the three interior angles of the triangle.


Track 4

Two straight lines formed by meeting the four corners, one of which is 50°15'20''. As it measures the sum of the other three angles?


Track 5

Two corners are complementary and their difference is large 15° 8'35''. Calculate the magnitude of the two corners.


Track 6

Two corners are extra and are one 2/5 of the other. Calculate the amplitudes of the two corners.


Track 7

The acute angles of a right triangle are each triple of the other. Calculate their amplitude.


Track 8

In a pentagon two inner angles measure 35° and 100° respectively. Calculate the measure of each of the other 3 corners knowing that they are congruent.


Track 9

The interior angles of the pentagon ABCDE are: A = 20° 30'; B = 3A; C = D; E = 2C. As measure the amplitudes of the angles B, C, D, E?


Track 10

The difference of two angles is a right angle and one is triple the other. As measure the amplitudes of the two angles?


Track 11

In the four corners of a hexagon measure respectively 130 °, 80 °, 150 ° and 110 °. Calculate the measure of the other two corners knowing that they are congruent.


Track 12

A quadrilateral has two right angles. Calculate the measure of the other two corners knowing that they are one double the other.


Track 13

In the exterior angles of a triangle vertices A and B measure respectively 120 ° and 140 °; what is the amplitude of the three angles of the triangle?


Track 14

In the exterior angles of a triangle vertices A and B measure respectively 120 ° and 140 °; what is the amplitude of the three angles of the triangle?


Track 15

Calculate the number of sides of a polygon, knowing that the measure of the sum of the interior angles is 180 °.


Track 16

Calculate the number of sides of a polygon, knowing that the measure of the sum of the interior angles is 540 °.


Track 17

Calculate the number of sides of a polygon, knowing that the measure of the sum of the interior angles is 720 °.


Track 18

Calculate the number of sides of a polygon, knowing that the measure of the sum of the interior angles is 900 °.


Track 19

Calculate the number of sides of a polygon, knowing that the measure of the sum of the interior angles is 1080 °.


Track 20

Calculate the number of sides of a polygon, knowing that the measure of the sum of the interior angles is 1260 °.


Track 21

Calculate the number of sides of a polygon, knowing that the measure of the sum of the interior angles is 1440 °.


Track 22

Calculate the number of sides of a polygon, knowing that the measure of the sum of the interior angles is 1620 °.


Track 23

Calculate the number of sides of a polygon, knowing that the measure of the sum of the interior angles is 1800 °.


Track 24

In a parallelogram consecutive two corners are one of the other 5.3. Calculates the amplitude of each of the corners of the parallelogram.


Track 25

The angles of a quadrilateral are such that two exterior angles are congruent and measure 60 ° 30 'each; the other two external angles are congruent with each other. Calculate the magnitude of all the interior angles.



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prof. Pietro De Paolis



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