Geometry Problem Solver

The cone                    


Cone and pyramid together


Cube and cone together


Parallelepiped and cone together


Cone and prism together


Sphere and cone together


Cone and cylinder together

They give the tracks some problems can be solved automatically, the numerical values do not matter in the various examples.

Track 1

Calculate the volume of a cone equilateral, knowing that the diameter of the base is 5 cm.


Track 2

Calculate the volume of a cone equilateral, knowing that the apothem measuring 5 cm.


Track 3

Calculate the volume of a cone equilateral, knowing that the radius of the base is 2.5 cm.


Track 4

An equilateral cone area of the side surface of 628.3 cm ², calculate the slant.


Track 5

In a cone the sum of the lengths of the radius and the height is 49 cm and their ratio is 3/4. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 6

Calculate the measure of the height of a cone, knowing that the circumference of the base and the slant measure 20? cm and 26 cm respectively.


Track 7

Calculate the measure of the total area of a cone having the slant and the height of 26 cm long and 24 cm respectively.


Track 8

Calculate the perimeter of the triangle that creates the cone having the apothem and radius 26 cm long and 10 cm respectively. Calculates, in addition, the volume and the total area of the solid.


Track 9

Cutting a cone with a plane passing through its axis is obtained by an isosceles triangle with the perimeter and the base respectively 72 cm long and 20 cm. What is the measure of the height of the cone ? What is the total area of the cone ? What is the volume of the cone ?


Track 10

A cone has the height and the diameter is 24 cm long and 20 cm. Calculates the area and the perimeter of the section obtained by cutting the cone with a plane passing through its axis. Calculate the volume and the total area of the solid.


Track 11

A circular sector 216 degrees wide and having the radius of 30 cm long is the development of the lateral surface of a cone. Calculate the volume and the total area of the solid.


Track 12

Calculate the volume of a cone which has areas of the lateral surfaces and respectively the total of 816.8134 cm ² and 1130.9724 cm ².


Track 13

Two cones are coincident with the basics hollow one another. The distance of two vertices is 11 cm and the heights of the two cones are between them in the ratio 18/7. Calculate the weight of the solid knowledge that is made of steel ( ps = 7.8 kg / dm ³ ) and the area of the base is 1809.5574 cm ².


Track 14

Calculate the area of the lateral surface of a cone and total, knowing that the height and the radius of the base measure 24 cm and 10 cm respectively. Calculates, finally, the volume of the cone.


Track 15

A solid is formed by a cylinder 20 cm high and with a radius of 18 cm and two cones which have equal respectively to the bases of the cylinder bases. Calculate the volume of the solid, knowing that the area of its total area is 1800? cm ².


Cone and pyramid together


Cube and cone together


Parallelepiped and cone together


Cone and prism together


Sphere and cone together


Cone and cylinder together

The program for solving problems can give answers completely wrong.

prof. Pietro De Paolis



problems solved

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