Geometry Problem Solver

The prism



Prism and pyramid together


Cube and prism together


Parallelepiped and prism together


Cone and prism together


Cylinder and prism together


Sphere and prism together


They give the tracks some problems can be solved automatically, the numerical values do not matter in the various examples.

Track 1

A right prism has as its base a pentagon of side 12 dm, and has a height of 18 dm. Determine the lateral surface, the total surface area and the volume of the prism.


Track 2

A hexagonal prism is 15 cm high, has the base perimeter of 180 cm. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 3

A pentagonal prism is 15 cm high, has the base perimeter of 180 cm. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 4

A octagonal prism is 15 cm high, has the base perimeter of 240 cm. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 5

A decagonal prism is 15 cm high, has the base perimeter of 180 cm. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 6

A hexagonal prism is 15 cm high, has the base perimeter of 180 cm. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 7

A prism ennagonale is 15 cm high, has the base perimeter of 180 cm. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 8

A prism endecagonale is 15 cm high, has the base perimeter of 220 cm. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 9

A dodecagonal prism is 15 cm high, has the base perimeter of 180 cm. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 10

Calculates the height of a regular pentagonal prism, knowing that the total area of the solid is 1 094 cm and that the base perimeter is 50 cm.


Track 11

Draw a straight prism with base an equilateral triangle of side 5 m and height 50 m.


Track 12

A right prism has the basis for a right triangle with legs of 18 cm and 24 cm. Knowing that it is 40 cm high side determines the area, the total area and volume of the prism.


Track 13

A right prism has for its base a right triangle having a cathetus of 24 cm and the hypotenuse of 30 cm. Knowing that its height is 60 cm, calculates the area of the lateral surface, the total area and the volume of the prism.


Track 14

A cube has the length of the diagonal of 28.28 cm; knowing that a regular quadrangular prism has the area equal to the area of the base side of the cube and that its height is 30 cm, calculates the area of the total surface of the prism.


Track 15

The base of a prism is a right triangle that has the sum of the measures of the legs of 42 cm and a catheter 3/4 of the other. Knowing that the height of the prism is 5/3 of the hypotenuse of the triangle base, calculates the area of the total surface of the solid and the volume.


Track 16

A prism with a rhombus base has a volume of 14400 cm ³, measure the diagonals of the rhombus 20:48 cm. Calculate the total surface area of the prism.


Track 17

A cube, having the area of the lateral surface of 400 cm ², is surmounted by a right prism with a square base. Knowing that the edge of the base of the prism is 1/4 of the cube corner and that the total height of the solid compound is 30 cm, calculates the area of the total surface and the volume of the solid.


Track 18

A right prism with a square base, has the lateral area of 1200 square meters and a height of 30 meters. Determine the volume and surface area of the total area of the prism.


Track 19

A right triangle has the area of 216 cm ²; knowing that a catheter is 3/4 of the other, calculates the area of the total surface and the volume of the right prism whose base is the given triangle and height for a segment congruent to ' relative height of the hypotenuse of the triangle base.


Track 20

An isosceles trapezoid has an oblique side which is 26 cm, the greater base exceeds the height of 26 cm, the sum between the major base and the height is 74 cm. A right prism has base such trapezoid and the area of the total area is 7200 cm ². Calculate the volume.


Track 21

The area of the total surface area of a cube with the edge of 27 cm is equivalent to the side of a first regular triangle that has a height equal to 5/3 of the cube corner. Calculate the area of the total surface of the prism and the volume.


Track 22

A right prism has the basis for a rumble with a diagonal length of 20 cm. Knowing that the lateral surface measure 3120 cm ² and the total 4080 cm ², calculates the measurement of the height and the volume of the prism.


Track 23

In an isosceles trapezoid the sum and the difference of the measures of the bases are respectively 80 cm and 20 cm and the measurement of the height of 14 cm exceeds that of the projection of the oblique side on the larger base; knowing that the trapezium forms the base of the prism rectum whose height is 50 cm long, calculate the surface area and the total volume of the solid.


Track 24

A right prism has the basis for a right triangle, which has the area of 216 cm ² and the measure of a catheter of 18 cm. Knowing that its height is 5/3 of the hypotenuse of the triangle base, calculates the area of the total surface and the volume of the prism.


Track 25

A prism with a base rhombus whose perimeter is 120 cm and whose area is 861 cm ². Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume of the prism knowing that the height is 40 cm.


Track 26

A prism has a base for the rhombus whose area is 864 cm ² and whose perimeter is 120 cm. Calculate the height of the lateral area and the area knowing that the total volume of 34560 cm ³.


Track 27

A prism has a base for the rhombus whose area is 864 cm ² and whose perimeter is 120 cm. Calculate the height, volume and surface area of the prism side knowing that the total area is 6528 cm ².


Track 28

A prism has a base for the rhombus whose area is 864 cm ² and whose perimeter is 120 cm. Calculate the height, the total area and volume of the prism side is knowing that the area of 4800 cm ².


Track 29

A prism has to base a pentagon whose area is 688 cm ². Calculate the total area and volume of the prism side is knowing that the area of 4000 cm ².


Track 30

A prism has for its basis a hexagon whose area is 1039.2 cm ². Calculate the total area and volume of the prism side is knowing that the area of 4800 cm ².


Track 31

A prism has a base for heptagon whose area is 1453.6 cm ². Calculate the total area and volume of the prism side is knowing that the area of 5600 cm ².


Track 32

A prism has a base for octagon whose area is 1931.2 cm ². Calculate the total area and volume of the prism side is knowing that the area of 6400 cm ².


Track 33

A prism has a base for ennagono whose area is 2472.8 cm ². Calculate the total area and volume of the prism side is knowing that the area of 7200 cm ².


Track 34

A prism has for its basis a decagon whose area is 3077.6 cm ². Calculate the total area and volume of the prism side is knowing that the area of 8000 cm ².


Track 35

A prism has a base for endecagono whose area is 3746.4 cm ². Calculate the total area and volume of the prism side is knowing that the area of 8800 cm ².


Track 36

A prism has for its basis a dodecagon whose area is 4478.4 cm ². Calculate the total area and volume of the prism side is knowing that the area of 9600 cm ².


Track 37

A right prism has to base a pentagon. Knowing that the lateral surface measuring 4,000 cm ² and the total 5376 cm ², calculate the volume of the prism.


Track 38

A right prism has its basis in a hexagon. Knowing that measure the lateral surface 4800 cm ² and the total 6878.4 cm ², calculate the volume of the prism.


Track 39

A right prism has for its basis a heptagon. Knowing that measure the lateral surface 5600 cm ² and the total 8507.2 cm ², calculate the volume of the prism.


Track 40

A right prism has a base for octagon. Knowing that measure the lateral surface 6400 cm ² and the total 10262.4 cm ², calculate the volume of the prism.


Track 41

A right prism has a base for ennagono. Knowing that measure the lateral surface 7200 cm ² and the total 12145.6 cm ², calculate the volume of the prism.


Track 42

A right prism has for its basis a decagon. Knowing that the lateral surface measuring 8,000 cm ² and the total 14155.2 cm ², calculate the volume of the prism.


Track 43

A right prism has a base for endecagono. Knowing that measure the lateral surface 8800 cm ² and the total 16292.8 cm ², calculate the volume of the prism.


Track 44

A right prism has for its basis a dodecagon. Knowing that measure the lateral surface 9600 cm ² and the total 18556.8 cm ², calculate the volume of the prism.


Track 45

A prism has to base a pentagon whose area is 688 cm ². Calculate the area and volume of the prism side knowing that the total area is 5376 cm ².


Track 46

A prism has for its basis a hexagon whose area is 1039.2 cm ². Calculate the area and volume of the prism side knowing that the total area is 6878.4 cm ².


Track 47

A prism has a base for heptagon whose area is 1453.6 cm ². Calculate the area and volume of the prism side knowing that the total area is 8507.2 cm ².


Track 48

A prism has a base for octagon whose area is 1931.2 cm ². Calculate the area and volume of the prism side knowing that the total area is 10262.4 cm ².


Track 49

A prism has a base for ennagono whose area is 2472.8 cm ². Calculate the area and volume of the prism side knowing that the total area is 12145.6 cm ².


Track 50

A prism has for its basis a decagon whose area is 3077.6 cm ². Calculate the area and volume of the prism side knowing that the total area is 14155.2 cm ².


Track 51

A prism has a base for endecagono whose area is 3746.4 cm ². Calculate the area and volume of the prism side knowing that the total area is 16292.8 cm ².


Track 52

A prism has for its basis a dodecagon whose area is 4478.4 cm ². Calculate the area and volume of the prism side knowing that the total area is 18556.8 cm ².


Track 53

A right prism has an equilateral triangle to the base. Given that the lateral area is 180 square centimeters and the height of the prism is 10 cm, calculate the volume and the total area


Track 54

A right prism has an equilateral triangle to the base. Knowing that the side of the triangle is 10 cm and that the height of the prism is 20 cm, calculates the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 55

A right prism has base for an isosceles triangle with a base of 20 cm and 26 cm oblique side. Knowing that the height of the prism is 40 cm, calculates the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 56

A right prism has an equilateral triangle having a base for the perimeter of 30 cm. Knowing that the height of the prism is 20 cm, calculates the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 57

A right prism has an equilateral triangle having a base for the perimeter of 30 cm. Knowing that the height of the prism is congruent to the triangle side, calculates the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 58

A right prism has the basis for a right triangle whose legs are 10 cm long and 24 cm. Knowing that the height of the prism is congruent to the hypotenuse of the triangle, calculates the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 59

A right prism has the basis for a right triangle whose legs are 10 cm long and 24 cm. Knowing that the height of the prism is congruent to the minor cathetus of the triangle, calculates the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 60

A right prism has the basis for a right triangle whose legs are 10 cm long and 24 cm. Knowing that the height of the prism is congruent to the larger cathetus of the triangle, calculates the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 61

For a right prism has an equilateral triangle whose base perimeter is 30 cm. Knowing that the height of the prism is triple the side of the triangle, calculate the lateral area, total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 62

A right prism has the basis for a right triangle whose legs are 24 cm and 10 cm. Knowing that the height of the prism is the triple of the hypotenuse of the triangle, calculates the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 63

A right prism has the basis for a right triangle whose legs are 24 cm and 10 cm. Knowing that the height of the prism is triple the larger cathetus of the triangle, calculates the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 64

A right prism has the basis for a right triangle whose legs are 24 cm and 10 cm. Knowing that the height of the prism is triple the minor cathetus of the triangle, calculates the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 65

A right prism, which has the basis for a right triangle with a catheter of 18 cm and the hypotenuse equal to 5/3 of the catheter, has the total surface area of 3312 cm ². Calculate the volume.


Track 66

Knowing that the projection of the minor cathetus of a right triangle that is 10.8 cm and that of the larger cathetus is 19.2 cm, calculates the lateral area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 50 cm.


Track 67

A right triangle has the relative height of the hypotenuse of 2.4 cm and the projection of the larger cathetus hypotenuse of 3.2 cm; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle and the ' height of 7 cm.


Track 68

A right triangle has the area of 6 cm ² and the hypotenuse of 5 cm; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 7 cm.


Track 69

A rectangle and an isosceles triangle has a perimeter of 34.14 cm and the hypotenuse of 14.14 cm; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 20 cm.


Track 70

A right triangle has a 5 cm long catheter and a large acute angle 60 °; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 10 cm.


Track 71

A right triangle has a 5 cm long catheter and a large acute angle 30 °; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 10 cm.


Track 72

A right triangle has the larger cathetus 8.66 cm long and a large acute angle 30 °; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 10 cm.


Track 73

A right triangle has the larger cathetus 8.66 cm long and a large acute angle 60 °; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 10 cm.


Track 74

A right triangle has the hypotenuse of 30 cm and the height relative to the hypotenuse of 14.4 cm; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 30 cm.


Track 75

A right triangle has the area of 6 cm ² and the hypotenuse of 5 cm; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 10 cm.


Track 76

A right triangle has the hypotenuse of 30 cm and it is 5/3 of a catheter; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 20 cm.


Track 77

A right triangle has the larger cathetus along the hypotenuse is 24 cm and its 5/4; calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 20 cm.


Track 78

Of a right triangle you know that the catheter is larger 24 cm long and the other catheter is its 3/4. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 30 cm.


Track 79

In a right-angled triangle the hypotenuse is 50 cm and the two catheti are one 3/4 of the other. Calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 60 cm.


Track 80

Vertices of a triangle ABC has sides respectively of 30 cm, 20 cm and 15 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 60 cm.


Track 81

The base of a triangle is 20 cm long, the height of the triangle is 15 cm long. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 60 cm.


Track 82

The base of a triangle is 20 cm long, and the area is 300 cm ². Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height is congruent to that of the triangle.


Track 83

The base of a triangle is 20 cm long, and the area is 300 cm ². Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to 12 /5 of the triangle.


Track 84

In a triangle the base is 2/3 of the height, the difference between the base and height is 120 cm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 500 cm.


Track 85

In a triangle the base is 2/3 of the height, the difference between the base and height is 120 cm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height is congruent to that of the triangle.


Track 86

A triangle has a base of 5 cm, the height exceeds the basis of 0.2 dm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 10 cm.


Track 87

A triangle has a base of 5 cm, the height exceeds the basis of 0.2 dm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height is congruent to that of the triangle.


Track 88

A triangle has a base of 5 cm, the height exceeds the basis of 0.2 dm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to the 10 /5 of the base of the triangle.


Track 89

A triangle has a base of 5 cm, the height exceeds the basis of 0.2 dm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle congruent to the base and the height of the triangle.


Track 90

A triangle has a base of 5 cm, the height exceeds the basis of 0.2 dm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to the 10/7 of that of the triangle.


Track 91

In a triangle, the sum of the base and the height is 40 cm, the base is 5/3 of the height. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to the 10 /5 of the triangle.


Track 92

In a triangle, the sum of the base and the height is 40 cm, the base is 5/3 of the height. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to the 10 /5 of the base of the triangle.


Track 93

In a triangle, the sum of the base and the height is 40 cm, the base is 5/3 of the height. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height is congruent to that of the triangle.


Track 94

In a triangle, the sum of the base and the height is 40 cm, the base is 5/3 of the height. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle congruent to the base and the height of the triangle.


Track 95

In a triangle, the sum of the base and the height is 40 cm, the base is 5/3 of the height. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 50 cm.


Track 96

The difference between the base and the height of a triangle is 81 cm, the height and 2/ 5 of the base. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 70 cm.


Track 97

The difference between the base and the height of a triangle is 81 cm, the height and 2/ 5 of the base. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to 5/3 of the base of the triangle.


Track 98

The difference between the base and the height of a triangle is 81 cm, the height and 2/ 5 of the base. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to 5/3 of the height of the triangle.


Track 99

The difference between the base and the height of a triangle is 81 cm, the height and 2/ 5 of the base. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle congruent to the height and the height of the triangle.


Track 100

The difference between the base and the height of a triangle is 81 cm, the height and 2/ 5 of the base. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle congruent to the base and the height of the triangle.


Track 101

The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 120 cm and their difference is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle congruent to the base and the height of the triangle.


Track 102

The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 120 cm and their difference is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle congruent to the height and the height of the triangle.


Track 103

The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 120 cm and their difference is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to the 10/7 of the base of the triangle.


Track 104

The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 120 cm and their difference is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to the 10 /5 of the triangle.


Track 105

The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 120 cm and their difference is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 100 cm.


Track 106

A rectangular parallelepiped has the area of the lateral surface of 13000 cm ² and the base perimeter of 260 cm. Knowing that the dimensions of the base are the 8/5 of the other, calculates :
a) the area of the total surface of the parallelepiped;
b ) the height of a regular quadrangular prism equivalent to the parallelepiped given and having the edge of the base 50 cm long.


Track 107

A triangle has a base measuring 20 cm and the height is half of the base. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 50 cm.


Track 108

A triangle has a base measuring 20 cm and the height is half of the base. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle congruent to the base and the height of the triangle.


Track 109

A triangle has a base measuring 20 cm and the height is half of the base. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to the 5/2 of the base of the triangle.


Track 110

A triangle has a base measuring 20 cm and the height is half of the base. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to the 5/2 of the height of the triangle.


Track 111

A triangle has a base measuring 20 cm and the height is half of the base. Calculate the volume of a right prism having as base the triangle congruent to the height and the height of the triangle.


Track 112

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 20 cm.


Track 113

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to the longer side of the triangle.


Track 114

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to 5/4 of the largest side of the triangle.


Track 115

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to 5/3 of the shorter side of the triangle.


Track 116

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to 5/3 of the oblique side of the triangle.


Track 117

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to 5/3 of the base of the triangle.


Track 118

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height of 50 cm.


Track 119

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to the oblique side of the triangle.


Track 120

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle congruent to the base and the height of the triangle.


Track 121

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right prism having as base the triangle, and the height congruent to 5/3 of the height of the triangle.


Track 122

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right prism having as base the triangle congruent to the height and the height of the triangle.


Track 123

The chord AB of a circle is 90 cm and the distance from the center O is 40 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right prism having as base the triangle ABO and height congruent to 5/4 of the distance of the rope by O.


Track 124

The chord AB of a circle is 90 cm and the distance from the center O is 40 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right prism having as base the triangle ABO and height congruent to the 4 /5 of the rope.


Track 125

The chord AB of a circle is 90 cm and the distance from the center O is 40 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right prism having as base the triangle ABO and height congruent to the rope.


Track 126

The chord AB of a circle is 90 cm and the distance from the center O is 40 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right prism having as base the triangle ABO congruent to the distance and the height of the rope.


Track 127

The chord AB of a circle is 90 cm and the distance from the center O is 40 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right prism having as base the triangle ABO and the height of 80 cm.


Track 128

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral APBO. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the quadrilateral PAOB and height of 50 cm.


Track 129

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral APBO. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the quadrilateral PAOB and height of 50 cm.


Track 130

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral APBO. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle PAO and the height of 50 cm.


Track 131

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral APBO. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle PAO and the height of 50 cm.


Track 132

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle AOB and the height of 30 cm.


Track 133

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the triangle AOB and the height of 30 cm.


Track 134

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of the right prism having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to the diagonal PO.


Track 135

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to the diagonal AB.


Track 136

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the right prism having as base the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to the PA side.


Track 137

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of the right prism having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to 5/4 of the diagonal AB.


Track 138

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of the right prism having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to 3/2 of the diagonal PO.


Track 139

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of the right prism having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to 3/4 of the PA side.


Track 140

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of the right prism having as base and height of the triangle AOB is congruent to 3/4 of the PA side.



Prism and pyramid together


Cube and prism together


Parallelepiped and prism together


Cone and prism together


Cylinder and prism together


Sphere and prism together

The program for solving problems can give answers completely wrong.

prof. Pietro De Paolis


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