Geometry Problem Solver

The pyramid


They give the tracks some problems can be solved automatically, the numerical values do not matter in the various examples.


Track 1

A right pyramid has for its basis a rectangle whose dimensions are 20 cm and 30 cm. Calculate the volume of the pyramid, knowing that the height is 50 cm.


Track 2

A triangular pyramid has a base perimeter of 150 cm, 80 cm along the slant. Calculate the area of the lateral surface.


Track 3

A triangular pyramid has a base perimeter of 150 cm, 80 cm along the slant. Calculate the area of the total area.


Track 4

A right pyramid has a base for rhombus whose diagonals are to one another as 3:4 and their sum is 70 cm. The height of the pyramid is 34.64 cm. Calculate the total surface area of the pyramid.


Track 5

A side face of a regular quadrangular pyramid has the surface area of 1280 cm ² and the height of 40 cm. Calculate the volume of the pyramid.


Track 6

A pyramid has a square straight line basis for a square whose side is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of the pyramid, knowing that the height is 50 cm.


Track 7

A pyramid has a square straight line basis for a square whose side is 20 cm. Calculate the area of the side surface of the pyramid, knowing that the height is 50 cm.


Track 8

A pyramid has a square straight line basis for a square whose side is 20 cm. Calculate the total surface area of the pyramid, knowing that the height is 50 cm.


Track 9

A pyramid has a square straight line basis for a square whose side is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of the pyramid, knowing that the apothem measures 50 cm.


Track 10

A pyramid has a square straight line basis for a square whose side is 20 cm. Calculate the area of the side surface of the pyramid, knowing that the apothem measures 50 cm.


Track 11

A pyramid has a square straight line basis for a square whose side is 20 cm. Calculate the total surface area of the pyramid, knowing that the apothem measures 50 cm.


Track 12

A regular quadrangular pyramid of gold ( ps = 19.25 kg / dm ³ ) with the edge of the base and the slant respectively 16 cm long and 17 cm has a cavity in the shape of a square pyramid. Knowing that the side of the base and the height of the cavity respectively measuring 12 cm and 8 cm, calculates the area of the total area, the volume and the weight of the solid.


Track 13

A regular quadrangular pyramid is superimposed on a cylinder so that its base is inscribed in the upper base of the cylinder; knowing that the radius of the cylinder is 10 cm, the height of the cylinder is 50 cm, the height of the pyramid is 7 / 4 of the height of the cylinder, calculate the volume of the solid.


Track 14

Calculates the length of a right pyramid dell'apotema 16 cm high and whose base is a rhombus whose diagonals measure 40 cm and 30 cm respectively. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 15

In a quadrangular pyramid adjust the slant is 25 cm and the 25/24 of the height. Find the area of the total area and volume.


Track 16

The sum dell'apotema with the height of a regular quadrangular pyramid is 49 cm, and their relationship is 25/24. Find the area of the total area and volume.


Track 17

In a regular quadrangular pyramid the area of the total surface area is 868 cm ² and that of the base is 7/24 of the area of the lateral surface. This determines the volume and the length of the lateral edge.


Track 18

Calculate the volume of a regular quadrangular pyramid which has the area of the base and the side surface of 1296 cm ² and 2160 cm ².


Track 19

The area of the base of a pyramid with a square base measuring 1296 square centimeters and the apothem is 30 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 20

The sum and difference of the measurements of the height and the base side of a regular quadrangular pyramid are respectively 76 m and 20 m. Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 21

A right pyramid has a base for right-angled triangle having the area of 336 cm ² and 14 cm long catheter minor. Given that the height of the pyramid measures 8 cm, calcolane total surface area and volume.


Track 22

A right pyramid has a base for trapezoidal rectangle with the area of 420 cm ², height 20 cm long and the two bases a 8/13 of the other. Knowing that the volume of the pyramid is of 3360 cm ³, calculates the area of the lateral surface and the total area.


Track 23

A right pyramid has a base of an isosceles triangle having a perimeter of 100 cm and 32 cm long base. Given that the height of the pyramid measuring 7.2 cm, calculate the surface area and the total volume.


Track 24

A right pyramid, 24 cm high, has for its basis a triangle whose sides measure respectively 93,16 cm, 26,84 cm and 80 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 25

A solid is the sum between a cube and a regular quadrangular pyramid having the edges of the base coincident with the edges of a face of the cube. Knowing that the area of a face is 784 cm ² and that the surface area of the solid is 6720 cm ², calculates the length of the height of the pyramid and the volume.


Track 26

A regular quadrangular pyramid is equivalent to a cube whose total surface area is 600 cm ². Given that the height of the pyramid is 7.5 cm, calculate the area of the total area.


Track 27

The perimeter of the base of a regular quadrangular pyramid is 144 cm, the apothem is 30 cm. What is the length of the height ? What is the lateral area ? What is the total area ? What is the volume?


Track 28

The apothem and the height of a regular quadrangular pyramid are respectively 30 cm and 24 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 29

A right pyramid has basis for an isosceles triangle in which the base and the height are respectively 36 cm and 24 cm. The slant of the pyramid is 15 cm long. Find the area of the total area and volume.


Track 30

The area of the lateral surface of a regular quadrangular pyramid is 13/5 of the basic area and their difference is 640 cm ². Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 31

A pyramid has a straight iron base for a diamond which has the area of 336 cm ² and a diagonal 14 cm long. Given that the height of the pyramid is 24 cm, calculate the surface area and the total weight of the pyramid.


Track 32

A regular pentagonal pyramid has a base perimeter of 50 cm and the apothem of 8.6 cm. Calculate the total area and volume.


Track 33

Calculate the area of the total surface and the volume of a regular quadrangular pyramid having the measures dell'apotema and the side surface, respectively, of 30 cm and 2160 cm ².


Track 34

The total surface area of a regular quadrangular pyramid is 1440 cm ² and the base side is 20 cm long. Find the volume of the pyramid.


Track 35

The volume of a regular quadrangular pyramid is 3200 cm ³ and the base side is 20 cm long; find the lateral surface and the total of the pyramid.


Track 36

A right pyramid has a base to rumble in which the diagonals are 40 cm long and 30 cm. Knowing that the volume is 3200 cm ³, is the side surface of the pyramid and the total


Track 37

The base perimeter of a regular quadrangular pyramid is 80 cm and height 2.4 dm. Calculate : dell'apotema the measure in cm, and the area lateral area and the total volume.


Track 38

Calculate the height of a regular pyramid, knowing that the slant of the base is 10 cm and the apothem of the pyramid is 26 cm


Track 39

Calculate the measure of a right pyramid, knowing that the area of the total area is 3456 cm ², the base perimeter is 144 cm and the radius of the circle inscribed in the base measures 18 cm


Track 40

A right pyramid has a base for quadrilateral having area of 720 square centimeters and a perimeter of 80 cm. Given that the height of the pyramid is 24 cm long, determine the extent dell'apotema.


Track 41

A right pyramid has a base for quadrilateral having area of 720 square centimeters and a perimeter of 80 cm. Given that the height of the pyramid is 24 cm long, determine the extent of the total area and volume.


Track 42

A right pyramid has a base for quadrilateral having area of 720 square centimeters and a perimeter of 80 cm. Given that the slant of the pyramid is 30 cm long, determine the extent of the total area and volume.


Track 43

A right pyramid has a base for quadrilateral having the area of 720 cm ². Given that the slant of the pyramid is 30 cm long and 24 cm in height, determine the extent of the total area and volume.


Track 44

A right pyramid has a base for quadrilateral having the perimeter of 80 cm. Given that the slant of the pyramid is 30 cm long and 24 cm in height, determine the extent of the total area and volume.


Track 45

Determine the extent of the height of a right pyramid having the apothem and the radius of the circle inscribed in the polygon base, 30 cm long and 18 cm respectively.


Track 46

The circle can be inscribed in the polygon base of a right pyramid measure 20? cm. Knowing that the height is 24 cm, calculate the length dell'apotema of the pyramid.


Track 47

A right pyramid, 16 meters high, has for its basis a rhombus with perimeter of 100 m and 30 m long diagonal minor. Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 48

Dell'apotema determines the length of a regular quadrangular pyramid that has the base area of 1296 cm ² and height 24 cm long. Calculates, in addition, the total area and the volume of the pyramid.


Track 49

The sum of all the edges of a regular quadrangular pyramid is 264 cm and each of the edges of the base measures 36 cm. Calculate the measure dell'apotema and height of the pyramid. Calculates, in addition, the lateral area, the total area and volume.


Track 50

Determines the length of the lateral edge of a regular quadrangular pyramid having the edge of the base and the height, respectively 14 cm long and 24 cm.


Track 51

A regular triangular pyramid has a side of the base 20 cm long and 26 cm lateral edge. Calculate the measure of its slant.


Track 52

A regular hexagonal pyramid has the height and the lateral edge is 24 cm long and 30 cm. Calculate the perimeter of the base polygon.


Track 53

The sum and difference of the measures of the diagonals of a rhombus are 84 cm and 12 cm respectively, knowing that the diamond is the base of a right pyramid whose height is 19.2 cm, calculate the surface area and the total volume of the solid.


Track 54

A right pyramid has basis for an isosceles triangle having the base measurement of 36 cm and height 24 cm long; knowing that the height of the pyramid measure 12 cm, calculates the area of the total surface and the volume of the pyramid.


Track 55

A right pyramid has a base of an isosceles triangle having the sum and difference of the measures of the oblique side and height of 54 cm, respectively, and 6 cm, knowing that the height of the pyramid measures 12 cm, calculate the area of the total area and the volume of the pyramid.


Track 56

A regular quadrangular pyramid has the length of the diagonal of the base of 50.91 cm; knowing that the measurement of the height of the pyramid exceeds 1/3 of that dell'apotema basis, calculates the area of the total surface and the volume of the polyhedron.


Track 57

A regular quadrangular pyramid has the length of the diagonal of the base of 50.91 cm; knowing that the height of the pyramid measure 24 cm, calculates the area of the total surface and the volume of the solid.


Track 58

The measurement of the edge of the basis of a regular quadrangular pyramid is the 6/5 of that of the lateral edge; knowing that the sum of the measures of all edges of the pyramid is 264 cm, calculates the area of the total surface and the volume of the solid.


Track 59

A pyramid has a rectangular base for the sum and difference of the measures of the size of respectively 56 and 16 dm dm, knowing that the height of the pyramid is 24 dm and that his foot falls at the center of the base, calculates the area of the total surface of the solid and the volume.


Track 60

The height of a pyramid, which measures 24 m, falls at the center of the base; knowing that the latter is a rectangle that has a perimeter of 112 me the difference of the measures of the size of 16 m, calculates the area of the total surface and the volume of the polyhedron.


Track 61

A regular triangular pyramid has lateral and total surface areas of 450 cm ², respectively, and 493.3 cm ²; calculates the perimeter of the base.


Track 62

The perimeter of the base of a regular quadrangular pyramid is 80 m. Calculate the area of the total surface area knowing that exceeds the height of 9.282 m triple the base side.


Track 63

Calculates the total surface and the volume of a regular triangular pyramid which has the base area of 1082.53 cm ² and the extent dell'apotema of 80 cm.


Track 64

A regular quadrangular pyramid has the edge of the base and the height, respectively 20 cm long and 24 cm. Determines the extent of the perimeter and the area of the triangle that is obtained by cutting the pyramid with a plane passing through the height and for two opposite vertices of the base. Calculates, in addition, the lateral area, the total area and the volume of the pyramid.


Track 65

A right pyramid with a square base has the edge of the base of 20 cm, the height is the 6/5dello edge of the base. Determines the slant of the pyramid, the total area and volume.


Track 66

The area of the lateral surface of a regular hexagonal pyramid is 1440 cm ² and the edge of the base is 20 cm. Determines the extent of the lateral edge, the total area and the volume of the pyramid.


Track 67

A right pyramid, 24 cm high, has a hex based with sides of 80 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 68

A right pyramid, 24 cm high, has for its basis a pentagon with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 69

A right pyramid, 24 cm high, has for its basis a heptagon with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 70

A right pyramid, 24 cm high, has for its basis an octagon with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 71

A right pyramid, 24 cm high, has for its basis a ennagono with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 72

A right pyramid, 30 cm high, has for its basis a decagon with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 73

A right pyramid, 30 cm high, has for its basis a endecagono with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 74

A right pyramid, 30 cm high, has for its basis a dodecagon whose side measures 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 75

A right pyramid, whose slant is 60 cm, has for its basis a dodecagon whose side measures 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 76

A right pyramid, whose slant is 60 cm, has for its basis a endecagono with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 77

A right pyramid, whose slant is 60 cm, has for its basis a decagon with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 78

A right pyramid, whose slant is 60 cm, has for its basis a ennagono with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 79

A right pyramid, whose slant is 60 cm, has for its basis an octagon with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 80

A right pyramid, whose slant is 60 cm, has for its basis a heptagon with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 81

A right pyramid, whose slant is 60 cm, has for its basis a hexagon with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 82

A right pyramid, whose slant is 60 cm, has for its basis a pentagon with sides of 20 cm. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the pyramid.


Track 83

The area of the base of a pyramid with a pentagonal base measuring 688 cm ² and the apothem is 30 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 84

The area of the base of a pyramid with a hexagonal base measuring 1039.2 square centimeters and the apothem is 30 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 85

The area of the base of a pyramid with hexagonal base measuring 1453.6 square centimeters and the apothem is 30 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 86

The area of the base of a pyramid with an octagonal base measuring 1931.2 square centimeters and the apothem is 30 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 87

The area of the base of a pyramid -based measure ennagonale 2472.8 cm ² and the apothem is 50 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 88

The area of the base of a pyramid -based decagonal measure 3077.6 cm ² and the apothem is 50 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 89

The area of the base of a pyramid -based measure endecagonale 3746.4 cm ² and the apothem is 50 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 90

The area of the base of a pyramid -based dodecagonal measure 4478.4 cm ² and the apothem is 50 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 91

A right pyramid has a lateral area of 1,800 cm ² and has for its basis a hexagon whose perimeter is 120 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 92

A right pyramid has a lateral area of 1,500 cm ² and has for base a pentagon whose perimeter is 100 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 93

A right pyramid has a lateral area of 2800 cm ² and has for its basis a heptagon whose perimeter is 140 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 94

A right pyramid has a lateral area of 2400 cm ² and has based an octagon whose perimeter is 160 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 95

A right pyramid has a lateral area of 3600 cm ² and has a base for ennagono whose perimeter is 180 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 96

A right pyramid has a lateral area of 4000 cm ² and has for its basis a decagon whose perimeter is 200 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 97

A right pyramid has a lateral area of 5500 cm ² and has a base for endecagono whose perimeter is 220 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 98

A right pyramid has a lateral area of 6000 cm ² and has for its basis a dodecagon whose perimeter is 240 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of the pyramid.


Track 99

A right pyramid has the volume of 49672.739988855 cm ³ and has a basis a dodecagon whose perimeter is 240 cm. Calculate the area and total side of the pyramid.


Track 100

A right pyramid has the volume of 45714.272404428 cm ³ and has a base for endecagono whose perimeter is 220 cm. Calculate the area and total side of the pyramid.


Track 101

A right pyramid has a volume of 26211.602476659 cm ³ and is based on a decagon whose perimeter is 200 cm. Calculate the area and total side of the pyramid.


Track 102

A right pyramid has the volume of 23961.842384789 cm ³ and has a base for ennagono whose perimeter is 180 cm. Calculate the area and total side of the pyramid.


Track 103

A right pyramid has the volume of 35,360.01124778 cm ³ and has a base for octagon whose perimeter is 160 cm. Calculate the area and total side of the pyramid.


Track 104

A right pyramid has a volume of 10490.847260613 cm ³ and is the basis for a heptagon whose perimeter is 140 cm. Calculate the area and total side of the pyramid.


Track 105

A right pyramid has a volume of 19899.218071977 cm ³ and is based on a hexagon whose perimeter is 120 cm. Calculate the area and total side of the pyramid.


Track 106

A right pyramid has a volume of 6113.6257933097 cm ³ and is based on a pentagon whose perimeter is 100 cm. Calculate the area and total side of the pyramid.


Track 107

The base of a triangle is 20 cm long, the height of the triangle is 15 cm long. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as basis the triangle and the height of 60 cm.


Track 108

The base of a triangle is 20 cm long, and the area is 300 cm ². Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to that of the triangle.


Track 109

The base of a triangle is 20 cm long, and the area is 300 cm ². Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the 4 /5 of the triangle.


Track 110

In a triangle the base is 2/3 of the height, the difference between the base and height is 120 cm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle, and the height of 500 cm.


Track 111

In a triangle the base is 2/3 of the height, the difference between the base and height is 120 cm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to that of the triangle.


Track 112

A triangle has a base of 5 cm, the height exceeds the basis of 0.2 dm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the base of the triangle.


Track 113

A triangle has a base of 5 cm, the height exceeds the basis of 0.2 dm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the 10 /5 of the base of the triangle.


Track 114

A triangle has a base of 5 cm, the height exceeds the basis of 0.2 dm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as base and height of the triangle is congruent to the 10/7 of the height of the triangle.


Track 115

A triangle has a base of 5 cm, the height exceeds the basis of 0.2 dm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle, and the height of 10 cm.


Track 116

A triangle has a base of 5 cm, the height exceeds the basis of 0.2 dm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to that of the triangle.


Track 117

In a triangle, the sum of the base and the height is 40 cm, the base is 5/3 of the height. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the base of the triangle.


Track 118

In a triangle, the sum of the base and the height is 40 cm, the base is 5/3 of the height. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as base and height of the triangle is congruent to the height of the triangle.


Track 119

In a triangle, the sum of the base and the height is 40 cm, the base is 5/3 of the height. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the 10 /5 of the triangle.


Track 120

In a triangle, the sum of the base and the height is 40 cm, the base is 5/3 of the height. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the 10 /5 of the base of the triangle.


Track 121

In a triangle, the sum of the base and the height is 40 cm, the base is 5/3 of the height. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle, and the height of 50 cm.


Track 122

The difference between the base and the height of a triangle is 81 cm, the height and 2/ 5 of the base. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to 5/3 of the base of the triangle.


Track 123

The difference between the base and the height of a triangle is 81 cm, the height and 2/ 5 of the base. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to 5/3 of the height of the triangle.


Track 124

The difference between the base and the height of a triangle is 81 cm, the height and 2/ 5 of the base. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to that of the triangle.


Track 125

The difference between the base and the height of a triangle is 81 cm, the height and 2/ 5 of the base. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as basis the triangle and the height of 90 cm.


Track 126

The difference between the base and the height of a triangle is 81 cm, the height and 2/ 5 of the base. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the base of the triangle.


Track 127

The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 120 cm and their difference is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as basis the triangle and the height of 100 cm.


Track 128

The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 120 cm and their difference is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the base of the triangle.


Track 129

The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 120 cm and their difference is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as base and height of the triangle is congruent to the height of the triangle.


Track 130

The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 120 cm and their difference is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the 10 /5 of the triangle.


Track 131

The sum of the base and the height of a triangle is 120 cm and their difference is 20 cm. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the 10/7 of the base of the triangle.


Track 132

A triangle has a base measuring 20 cm and the height is half of the base. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle, and the height of 50 cm.


Track 133

A triangle has a base measuring 20 cm and the height is half of the base. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to that of the triangle.


Track 134

A triangle has a base measuring 20 cm and the height is half of the base. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to 9/2 of that of the triangle.


Track 135

A triangle has a base measuring 20 cm and the height is half of the base. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to 9/2 of the base of the triangle.


Track 136

A triangle has a base measuring 20 cm and the height is half of the base. Calculate the volume of a right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the base of the triangle.


Track 137

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the shorter side of the triangle.


Track 138

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the longer side of the triangle.


Track 139

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. calculates the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to 5/4 of the largest side of the triangle.


Track 140

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. calculates the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to 5/3 of the shorter side of the triangle.


Track 141

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of right pyramid having as basis the triangle and the height of 100 cm.


Track 142

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of right pyramid having as basis the triangle and the slant of 100 cm.


Track 143

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as base the triangle and the apothem congruent to the longer side of the triangle.


Track 144

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as base the triangle and the apothem congruent to the shorter side of the triangle.


Track 145

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as base the triangle and the apothem congruent to 5/3 of the shorter side of the triangle.


Track 146

A scalene triangle has a side of 70 cm, a second side is 60 cm long, and the third side is 80 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as base the triangle and the apothem congruent to 5/4 of the largest side of the triangle.


Track 147

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to the base of the triangle.


Track 148

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of right pyramid having as base and height of the triangle congruent to the oblique side of the triangle.


Track 149

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of right pyramid having as base the triangle congruent to the slant and the oblique side of the triangle.


Track 150

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of right pyramid having as basis the triangle and the slant congruent to 5/3 of the oblique side of the triangle.


Track 151

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as base the triangle and the apothem congruent to 5/3 of the base of the triangle.


Track 152

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as base the triangle and the apothem congruent to the base of the triangle.


Track 153

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of right pyramid having as basis the triangle and the slant of 50 cm.


Track 154

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as base the triangle, and the height of 50 cm.


Track 155

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to 5/3 of the base of the triangle.


Track 156

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to 5/3 of the oblique side of the triangle.


Track 157

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as a base and the height of the triangle congruent to 5/3 of the height of the triangle.


Track 158

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of right pyramid having as basis the triangle and the slant congruent to 5/3 of the height of the triangle.


Track 159

An isosceles triangle has a base of 36 cm and a height of 24 cm. Calculate the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as base the triangle congruent to the height and the height of the triangle.


Track 160

The chord AB of a circle is 36 cm and the distance from the center O is 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle ABO and the height of 12 cm.


Track 161

The chord AB of a circle is 36 cm and the distance from the center O is 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle ABO and the slant of 15 cm.


Track 162

The chord AB of a circle is 36 cm and the distance from the center O is 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle ABO and the height is congruent with the rope.


Track 163

The chord AB of a circle is 36 cm and the distance from the center O is 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle ABO congruent to the distance and the height of the rope.


Track 164

The chord AB of a circle is 36 cm and the distance from the center O is 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle ABO and the slant is congruent with the distance of the rope.


Track 165

The chord AB of a circle is 36 cm and the distance from the center O is 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle ABO and the slant is congruent with the rope.


Track 166

The chord AB of a circle is 36 cm and the distance from the center O is 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle ABO and height congruent to 5/4 of the rope.


Track 167

The chord AB of a circle is 36 cm and the distance from the center O is 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base and height of the triangle ABO congruent to 5/6 of the distance of the rope.


Track 168

The chord AB of a circle is 36 cm and the distance from the center O is 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle ABO and slant congruent to 5/6 of the distance of the rope.


Track 169

The chord AB of a circle is 36 cm and the distance from the center O is 24 cm. Calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle ABO and slant congruent to 5/4 of the rope.


Track 170

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral APBO. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the pyramid having as base the quadrilateral PAOB and height of 50 cm.


Track 171

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral APBO. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and the slant of 50 cm.


Track 172

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and the slant of 50 cm.


Track 173

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle PAO and the slant of 50 cm.


Track 174

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle PAO and the slant of 50 cm.


Track 175

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle PAO and height of 50 cm.


Track 176

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as base the triangle PAO and the height of 50 cm.


Track 177

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle PAO and the slant of 50 cm.


Track 178

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle AOB and the slant of 20 cm.


Track 179

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculates the total area and the volume of the right pyramid having as base the triangle AOB and the height of 20 cm.


Track 180

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle AOB and height of 20 cm.


Track 181

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, we get the triangle PAO. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle AOB and the slant of 20 cm.


Track 182

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and congruent to the diagonal slant PO.


Track 183

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and slant congruent to the diagonal AB.


Track 184

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and slant congruent to the diagonal AB.


Track 185

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and congruent to the diagonal slant PO.


Track 186

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to the diagonal PO.


Track 187

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to the diagonal AB.


Track 188

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to the diagonal AB.


Track 189

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to 5/3 of the diagonal AB.


Track 190

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to 3/2 of the diagonal PO.


Track 191

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and slant congruent to 3/2 of the diagonal PO.


Track 192

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and slant congruent to 3/2 of the diagonal AB.


Track 193

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and slant congruent to 3/2 of the diagonal AB.


Track 194

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and slant congruent to 3/2 of the diagonal PO.


Track 195

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to 3/2 of the diagonal PO.


Track 196

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to 3/2 of the diagonal AB.


Track 197

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base and height of the triangle AOB is congruent to 3/4 of the PA side.


Track 198

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle AOB and the slant congruent to 3/4 of the PA side.


Track 199

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the PAO and the slant triangle congruent to 3/2 of the PA side.


Track 200

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the PAO and the height of the triangle is congruent to 3/2 of the PA side.


Track 201

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and slant congruent to the PA side.


Track 202

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to the PA side.


Track 203

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and height congruent to the PA side.


Track 204

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the quadrilateral PAOB and slant congruent to the PA side.


Track 205

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the PAO and the slant triangle congruent to the PA side.


Track 206

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the PAO and the height of the triangle congruent to the PA side.


Track 207

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the PAO and the height of the triangle congruent to the PA side.


Track 208

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as basis the PAO and the slant triangle congruent to the PA side.


Track 209

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle AOB and the slant congruent to the PA side.


Track 210

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PO segment is 26 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base and height of the triangle AOB is congruent to the PA side.


Track 211

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base and height of the triangle AOB is congruent to the PA side.


Track 212

A circle with center O has a radius of 10 cm. Draw from the point P outside the circle tangents PA and PB and joining the point O with tangent points A and B, you get the quadrilateral PAOB. Knowing that the PA segment is 24 cm, calculate the total area and volume of a right pyramid having as base the triangle AOB and the slant congruent to the PA side.



The program for solving problems can give answers completely wrong.

prof. Pietro De Paolis



problems solved