Geometry Problem Solver

The cylinder


Cylinder and pyramid together


Cube and cylinder together


Parallelepiped and cylinder together


Cylinder and prism together


Sphere and cylinder together


Cone and cylinder together

They give the tracks some problems can be solved automatically, the numerical values do not matter in the various examples.

Track 1

A cylinder has the radius of the base length of 3.5 cm and a height of 20 cm. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 2

A cylinder has a volume of 0.21 cubic meters, the diameter of the base is 0.30 m. Calculate the area of the total surface of the cylinder.


Track 3

A cylinder has the area of the lateral surface of 200 m²; the radius of the base is 5 m. Calculate the area and the perimeter of the rectangle whose complete rotation around a right side generates the cylinder.


Track 4

Calculate the volume of the cylinder that has the base area of 314.15 m² and double the height of the beam.


Track 5

Calculate the area of the total area and volume of a cylinder knowing that the sum of the lengths of the radius and height measuring 56 cm and that their ratio is 5/3.


Track 6

The area of ??the total surface area of ??a cylinder is 2198 cm ² and the area of the base is 1/5 of the area of the lateral surface. Calculate the radius and height of the cylinder.


Track 7

The circumference of the base of a cylinder is 62.83 cm long and the height is the 7/2 of the radius. Calculate the surface area and the total volume of the cylinder.


Track 8

The radius of a cylinder measuring 20 cm and is 5 /3 height. Calculate the area of the total area and volume.


Track 9

The area of ??the base of a cylinder is 314.15 cm ² and the height is 5/4 of the diameter. Calculate the area of the total area of the cylinder and the volume.


Track 10

The area of ??the base of a cylinder is 314.15 cm ² and the height is 5/4 of the radius. Calculate the area of the total area of the cylinder and the volume.


Track 11

The volume of a cylinder is 21990.50 cm ³ and its height is congruent to 7/2 of the edge of a cube, having the total surface area of ??600 cm ². Calculate the area of the total area of the cylinder.


Track 12

A regular quadrangular pyramid is superimposed on a cylinder so that its base is inscribed in the upper base of the cylinder; knowing that the radius of the cylinder is 10 cm, the height of the cylinder is 50 cm, the height of the pyramid is 7 / 4 of the height of the cylinder, calculate the volume of the solid.


Track 13

Calculate the area of the lateral surface of a cylinder which has the basis for a circle whose area is 314.15 m² and having the height of 10 m long.


Track 14

Calculate the area of the total surface of a cylinder which has the basis for a circle whose area is 314.15 m² and having the height of 10 m long.


Track 15

Calculate the volume of a cylinder which has the basis for a circle whose area is 314.15 m² and having the height of 10 m long.


Track 16

Calculate the area of its lateral surface of a cylinder which has the height 15 cm long and the circumference of the base 62,83 cm.


Track 17

Calculate the area of its total surface area of ??a cylinder that has the height 15 cm long and the circumference of the base 62,83 cm.


Track 18

Calculate the volume of a cylinder that has the height 15 cm long and the circumference of the base 62,83 cm.


Track 19

The lateral surface of a cylinder is a rectangle having the base of 62.83 cm and a height of 15 cm. Calculate the area of the total area of the cylinder.


Track 20

Calculate the area of the total surface of a cylinder knowing that the ratio between the base diameter and the height is 3/ 5 and that their sum is 160 cm.


Track 21

Calculate the area of the lateral surface of a cylinder knowing that the ratio between the base diameter and the height is 3/ 5 and that their sum is 160 cm.


Track 22

Calculate the volume of a cylinder knowing that the ratio between the base diameter and the height is 3/ 5 and that their sum is 160 cm.


Track 23

A rectangle that has an area of ??50 cm ² and the base 5 cm long wheel of a full turn around the first base and then around to the height. Calculates the ratio between the volumes of the two cylinders generated by these rotations.


Track 24

A rectangle that has an area of ??50 cm ² and the base 5 cm long wheel of a full turn around the first base and then around to the height. Calculates the ratio between the lateral surfaces of the two cylinders generated by these rotations.


Track 25

A rectangle that has an area of ??50 cm ² and the base 5 cm long wheel of a full turn around the first base and then around to the height. Calculate the ratio of the total areas of the two cylinders generated by these rotations.


Track 26

The area of ??the total surface area of ??a cylinder is 2198 cm ² and the area of the side surface is five times the base. Calculate the volume of the cylinder.


Track 27

A solid is formed by a cylinder 20 cm high and with a radius of 18 cm and two cones which have equal respectively to the bases of the cylinder bases. Calculate the volume of the solid, knowing that the area of its total area is 1800? cm ².



Cylinder and pyramid together


Cube and cylinder together


Parallelepiped and cylinder together


Cylinder and prism together


Sphere and cylinder together


Cone and cylinder together

The program for solving problems can give answers completely wrong.

prof. Pietro De Paolis


problems solved

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