Geometry Problem Solver

The cuboid or parallelepiped


Parallelepiped and pyramid together


Cube and parallelepiped together


Parallelepiped and sphere together


Parallelepiped and prism together


Parallelepiped and cone together


Parallelepiped and cylinder together


They give the tracks some problems can be solved automatically, the numerical values do not matter in the various examples.

Track 1

A rectangular parallelepiped has the rectangular base with dimensions of 30 cm and 50 cm, the height is 100 cm. Calculate the volume of the solid and the side surface.


Track 2

How much goes into a concrete wall, 500 cm long, 300 cm high and 20 cm wide ?


Track 3

A container has the total area of 14200 cm ² internal, the area of the internal base of 1500 cm ², a dimension is 3/5 of the other. Calculates the height of the receptacle and its ability, knowing that has the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped.


Track 4

The dimensions of the base of a rectangular parallelepiped are a 3/4 of the other and the diagonal of the base, 30 cm long, is congruent to the height of the parallelepiped. Calculate the area of the total area of the box.


Track 5

Calculate the total surface area of a rectangular parallelepiped, knowing that the sum of the measures of its three dimensions is 17 cm, and that two of them are respectively 1/2 and 1/5 of the height.


Track 6

In a rectangular parallelepiped, the sum of the measures of the three dimensions is 60 cm; knowing that the dimensions of the base are a 3/4 of the other and that the height is 5/3 of minor dimension, calculates the area of the total area and the volume of the solid.


Track 7

The edge of a cube is congruent to the diagonal of a rectangular parallelepiped with dimensions of 24 cm, 32 cm and 30 cm. Calculate the area of the total area of the cube.


Track 8

The edge of a cube is 30 cm long. Determines the size of a base of a parallelepiped rectangle 30 cm high, knowing that a base dimension is the double of the other and that the lateral surface of the parallelepiped is equivalent to the lateral surface of the cube.


Track 9

A rectangular parallelepiped has dimensions, respectively, 10 cm, 20 cm, 30 cm. Calculate the lateral area, total area and volume.


Track 10

The length and width of a rectangular parallelepiped are 20 m and 30 m. Knowing that the total area is 6200 m² calculates the height of the box and measure the volume.


Track 11

Calculate the volume and the diagonal of the rectangular parallelepiped that has the dimensions of 14 cm, 48 cm and 120 cm.


Track 12

On one sheet has carved a box 20 cm long, 25 cm wide and 30 cm high. If the paper had an area of 1 m², how many square meters of paper were free?


Track 13

A parallelepiped is formed by three stacked cubes congruent. Knowing that the edge of each cube measuring 10 cm, calculates the area of the total surface and the volume of the solid.


Track 14

The area of the total surface area of a cube is congruent to the area of the side surface of a rectangular parallelepiped having the dimensions of the base respectively 30 cm long and 10 cm. Calculate the volume of the cube knowing that the base perimeter of the box is 8/3 height.


Track 15

The area of the total surface area of a cube is equal to the one side of a rectangular parallelepiped having the height of 30 cm long. Calculate the volume of the cube knowing that the dimensions of the parallelepiped are a triple of the other and their sum is 40 cm.


Track 16

The height of a rectangular parallelepiped measuring 100 cm and its volume is 150000 cm ³. Calculate the lateral area and the total area knowing that the dimensions of the base are a 3/5 of the other.


Track 17

The area of the side surface of a rectangular parallelepiped is 160 dm ²; knowing that a dimension of the base and the height of the solid measure, respectively 5 and 10 dm dm, calculates the weight of the parallelepiped. ( Ps = 8 kg / dm ³)


Track 18

The area of the side surface of a rectangular parallelepiped is 11200 cm ², a base dimension is 50 cm, its height is equal to 7/5. Determines the area of the total surface and the volume of the parallelepiped.


Track 19

The area of the total surface of a parallelepiped is 14200 cm ² and the area of the base is 1500 cm ² in the base rectangle one side is 3/5 of the other. Determines the length of the three dimensions of the box and the volume.


Track 20

A rectangular parallelepiped has the area of the lateral surface of 13000 cm ² and the base perimeter of 260 cm. Knowing that the dimensions of the base are the 8/5 of the other, calculates :
a) the area of the total surface of the parallelepiped;
b ) the height of a regular quadrangular prism equivalent to the parallelepiped given and having the edge of the base 50 cm long.


Track 21

A crane is approved to lift weights no more than 2 tons. Mr. Peter charge 40 concrete blocks ( 1.2 ps ), 50 cm long, 20 cm wide and 25 cm high. Is in order?


Track 22

A swimming pool has the shape of a rectangular parallelepiped. Its width is 3.5 m and a length of 10.5 m. Luigi consumes 44.1 m³ of water to fill it. What is the height of the water in this pool ?



Parallelepiped and pyramid together


Cube and parallelepiped together


Parallelepiped and sphere together


Parallelepiped and prism together


Parallelepiped and cone together


Parallelepiped and cylinder together

The program for solving problems can give answers completely wrong.

prof. Pietro De Paolis


problems solved

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